CILANTRO (Castello & Roisz)

cilantro © lisbeth kovacic


AngélicaCastelló : recorders, electronics, ukulele, cassettes, knifes, etc., etc.,
Billy Roisz: bass, electronics, tuna box, tv’s, cacofonator etc., etc.,


As the duo CILANTRO we play improvised (or instant composed;) music. The basic concept and idea is our set-up and the musically output is what one can call post-noise. Feedback-recorders, distorted bass guitar, audible video-signals, selfbuilt little synthies, circuit bent tuna can. We like instable systems. Music without parfume.


A/V live project by angelica castello & billy roisz

Assuming that what one expects from a Festival of Experimental music is to be
surprised, then Friday night didn’t disappoint from the very start. The first act was a duo of two women, Billy Roisz and Angelica Castello on „recorders and video“, „Recorders“ somewhat stretched the definition from the things we tooted on at primary school, as one of them was a boxy tube about six foot long – when blown into it produced eerie wheezing, ghostly sounds as the player’s breath was routed around the internal catacombs of this monstrous thing – the „video“ was pretty arcane too, an old telly and various bits and pieces of electrical equipment (placed on doilies I was pleased to see) produced crackles and noise whilst a projection on the wall seemed to freeze sound waves.
It was enigmatic and decidedly peculiar, but more importantly rather wonderful and evocative. There was an interplay between these two divergent sounds – one the very human sound of breath, the other the fractured noise of obsolete consumer electronics, that was baffling, witty and full of unexpected turns. I liked it. … (Richard Sanderson)

CILANTRO Borderland
Mikroton Recordings

CILANTRO live@La Cupula from billy roisz on Vimeo.

